Get the care you need, as soon as you need it

Whether you’re looking for care with a specialist or while you’re traveling, we have options for you.

It’s safe to get the care you need

Your health and safety are our priority. We have extra safety precautions in place to keep you safe.

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What to ask your care team

Every time you talk to a health care provider — PCP, specialist, a nurse or another person on your care team — we recommend asking these three basic questions:


What is my main problem?


What do I need to do?


Why is it important for me to do this?

If you have more questions

When can I ask questions?

Anytime! For example, you can ask your PCP questions during your visit, before or after your physical exam or medical test. You can ask your nurse when you are having your vital signs taken. You can also call the Sharp Health Plan Customer Care at 1-800-359-2002.

What if I ask and still don't understand?

Let your PCP, nurse or provider know if you still don’t understand. You could say, “This is new to me. Will you please explain that to me one more time?”

I'm nervous asking questions. What should I do?

Know that you aren’t alone, and it’s OK to feel nervous — everyone wants help when it comes to understanding health information. When you see your doctor, specialist or nurse, take your time in asking questions. You should never feel rushed or embarrassed if you don’t understand something. It’s OK to ask your provider as many times as you need to.

Nurse wearing mask while talking on the phone

Talk to a nurse after hours

Registered nurses are available through Sharp Nurse Connection® after hours and on weekends. They can talk with you about an illness or injury, help you decide where to seek care and provide advice on any of your health concerns.

Call 1-800-359-2002 from 5 pm – 8 am, Monday to Friday, and 24 hours on weekends.

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Provider & pharmacy directories

Download the provider and pharmacy directory that lists all primary care physicians, hospitals, urgent care centers and pharmacies in your network. If you are unsure about which provider network you belong to, you can find the name on the front of your member ID card.

Some hospitals and other providers do not provide one or more of the following services that may be covered under your plan contract and that you or your family member might need: family planning; contraceptive services, including emergency contraception; sterilization, including tubal ligation at the time of labor and delivery; infertility treatments; or abortion. You should obtain more information before you choose a plan. Call your prospective doctor, medical group, independent practice association, or clinic, or call Customer Care at 1-800-359-2002 to ensure that you can obtain the health care services that you need.

1 Select doctors offer this service.

2 You may need prior authorization from your primary care physician. You must use an urgent care facility within your plan medical group unless you are traveling outside San Diego or southern Riverside counties.

3 Your share of the cost for a MinuteClinic visit is equal to what you pay for a PCP office visit (deductible may apply). There is no copayment for flu vaccinations.