Employer portal training

Here’s what you need to know.

As part of our transition to Epic Systems this fall, we will be launching a new and improved employer portal, called your Sharp Health Plan online account. It will replace the existing Sharp Connect employer portal you use today.

Your new online account will include lots of improved self-service features and functionality that will help save you time, like managing enrollments online, setting communication preferences with paperless options, managing account permissions — like user provisioning to grant your broker(s) access to your account — and much more.

To ensure a smooth transition to your new online account, we will be hosting multiple trainings for you to choose from. These trainings are specially designed to help familiarize you with the new system prior to our go-live this November. Training registration will close Thursday, Sept. 14 at midnight. Please make sure to register for training before then.

Important training information

  • We are hosting multiple training sessions for you to choose from. You only need to attend one session.
  • All trainings will be hosted virtually through Zoom.
  • Recorded trainings will be available in the new employer portal for you to reference after your account has been activated. We will begin the account activation process in November.
  • We will be hosting a separate training session for group brokers. Once your new online account is activated, you will be able to grant your broker(s) access to your account.

Training registration is now closed. If you’d like to be added to the training sessions listed below, please contact your dedicated account management executive. If you are unable to attend our training, educational resources will be accessible in the new employer portal after you’ve activated your account. We’ll be sharing more information about the account activation process in November.

Training dates

  • Thursday, Sept. 21, 1 – 1:45 pm
  • Tuesday, Sept. 26, 10 – 10:45 am