Better health insurance is one of the most valued benefits for job seekers. As you gear up for your open enrollment, making it easier for your employees to get a great health insurance plan sets them — and your business — up for success.
Prepare information for employees.
To help employees have a smooth open enrollment experience, visit the Employer Center for key resources, brochures, commonly-requested forms and more. Our glossary explains important terms to help employees understand their plan. Our account managers provide Enrollment Kits and the Summary of Benefits and Coverage, which should be shared with your employees.

Employees should consider the care they may need in the future and review their coverage.
Employees should determine the health care services they will need during the year, including any specialist appointments and referrals. Family members or dependents, who need surgery or have new conditions or medications, can also impact employees’
coverage. Encourage employees to review any changes to their cost share for health care services.
Even if an employee is happy with their current coverage, it is a good idea for them to use their annual open enrollment period as an opportunity to review their benefits. Plans change yearly, from costs to coverage, so reviewing their benefits can
help ensure they're happy with their plan for the upcoming year.

Employees should make sure their contact information is correct.
To stay connected to their coverage, it's a good idea for employees to verify their contact information is correct. If not, they should update their mailing address, email and phone number with their employer. They can also make sure that Sharp Health
Plan has their correct contact information by logging into their Sharp Health Plan online account.

Share enrollment options with employees who may not qualify for group coverage.
If employees aren’t eligible for your group plan, the Inflation Reduction Act is a great resource that may help them to save money on health insurance.
It offers expanded subsidies (premium assistance), lowers premium costs and helps make health care coverage more affordable. Financial help is available through the end of 2025.
Employees can continue to save by enrolling with Sharp Health Plan. We offer plans as low as $0 a month through Covered California™ for those who qualify. Eligibility is based on household income and
We’re here to help
If you have questions about our plans or need open enrollment resources for your employees, please contact your dedicated account manager. We’re available to assist you Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 5 pm.