5 creative ways to boost your fitness routine

Tired of repeating the same exercises? Try these suggestions.

What can lower your risk of high blood pressure and stroke while improving your mental health? Physical activity. But according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only half of adults get the activity needed to reduce and prevent chronic diseases. The CDC recommends adults get 150 minutes of activity each week. If you’re tired of taking the same walk around your neighborhood, don’t worry. You can support your health and keep your exercises interesting with these five fun ways to stay active.


Try a new hike

There’s no shortage of scenic hikes in San Diego. Whether you’d like to hike by the beach, near a lake or through a canyon, there are plenty of options for beginners and experienced hikers alike. Check out the Parks and Recreation Department’s list of great hikes and resources around the county.


Take a fitness class

Whether you prefer to exercise solo or with a group, a fitness class is a great way to make exercising more interesting. Find online or in-person classes with Studio SWEAT onDemand and ChooseHealthy®. There’s something for everyone: Choose from yoga, bootcamp and HIIT classes, and many more.


Dive into watersports

What’s better than a day out on the water? Try an activity that lets you explore San Diego’s beautiful coasts, bays and lakes. Kayaking, snorkeling, surfing and paddleboarding equipment can usually be rented on-site, and lessons or guided tours are easy to find online.


Listen to an audiobook or podcast

Turn on your favorite audiobook or podcast, and you might be surprised at how easy it is to hit your daily activity goals. Try winding down from a week of activity with a lower-impact exercise, like brisk walking. Set small goals at first, like walking for the length of a chapter, or for half of a podcast episode.


Tap into a support system

Sometimes the hardest part about exercising is getting started. For extra motivation, ask a friend or family member to join in on an activity, or try a fitness tracker for an easier way to visualize your goals. One-on-one support can help, too. The Best Health® wellness program offers free, personalized coaching to help you live a healthy lifestyle. Choose from five program topics, including physical activity, healthy eating and more, and benefit from your coach’s expertise.

No matter how you choose to stay active, don’t be afraid to get creative.

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